3DS – 🇬🇧

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When were the Remixt campaigns launched?

We participate in the Ecovadis label, which evaluates CSR and responsible purchasing performance, and are audited annually between March and April. Last year, on the “social and human rights” section of the questionnaire, we were rejected due to a lack of action on our part.

This year, in 2021, to improve our score and achieve Gold status, we decided to use Remixt. We implemented all the training courses and made them mandatory to make sure that everyone participated.

What was the outcome of the campaign?

100% of employees participated in the campaigns, and we received a participation certificate from Remixt at the end of each course, which we then submitted to Ecovadis.

How did you communicate about the campaigns?

To launch the project, we sent an email to all employees explaining the process, the content, the duration of the training, and pointing out that the format would be engaging due to its humour.

We then rolled out one campaign per month over 9 months, as Remixt offered 9 courses.

At the start of each campaign, we sent an email with detailed instructions and the theme.

“By making participation mandatory, we achieved a 90% natural connection rate, meaning people logged in without needing reminders.”

The remaining 10% were either due to connection issues on our end or employee profiles (those working on construction sites had more difficulty connecting). For those who needed follow-ups, we sent personal emails. Our organisation is small enough for emails to be personalised. After a final reminder, the remaining employees participated.

At the end of each course, Remixt provided us with a certificate of completion and the number of participants, which we then submitted to Ecovadis.

What did people think of the campaigns?

Our employees connected with the characters, so they enjoyed the new courses.

For a long time, we heard comments like, “I was going to say that, but Remixt would say it’s not right, so I won’t say it.” This shows that the training courses had a lasting impact.

The courses that resonated the most and prompted the most reflection were “Prevention of sexism” and “Prevention of harassment.”

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Fanny Douard
Responsable Marketing

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Nous participons au label Ecovadis, un label d’Ă©valuation des performances RSE et achats responsables. Chaque annĂ©e entre mars et avril, nous sommes auditĂ©s. L’annĂ©e dernière quand sur la partie “social et droit de l’homme” du questionnaire, nous nous sommes faits retoquer parce que nous n’avions rien fait.
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